
The idealization of vivacity cannot be built in a scenario of chaos. I am not just referring to what is happening in the Amazon rainforest, but on a global scale. Undoubtedly, we are increasingly facing the result of our own actions, which are destroying what we call

“Home.” Financial condition or social status are no guarantee of survival, we will all suffer from the consequences of global warming through the so-called domino effect. Rising temperature, disease, extreme weather, biodiversity loss and harmony are some marks of what we are already experiencing according to the IPCC 6th (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change sixth report) and other research available to all. We do not have a planet B to try a second chance, however we still have the opportunity to change our habits and customs. It is not a matter of ideological choices, but it’s a discussion of what is essential for future generations.

Video: Gabriel Gemaque, 2019

Bird scene by: Travel and Leasure

Music: Philip Glass, Amazon River, 1999